— Memotrees Price List
Please visit our online shop for further information and prices on the products that we sell.
Tree Dedications and Gifts
Dedicating a pre-planted tree as a gift inc. a certificate: £75.00
Dedicating a pre-planted tree as a gift inc. Lakeland Slate Engraved Tree Plaque and a certificate: £175.00
Burial Plots Fees (including advance reservation fee)
Single: £450.00
Double: £800.00
Child up to the age of 12: £300.00
Cremated Remains / Ash Burial Plot: £150.00
Family Ash Burial Plot (Max of 4): £450.00
Interment Fees (include plotting, administration, grave digging & backfilling)
Infant up to 3: FREE
Child up to the age of 12: £200.00
Standard Adult Single: £450.00
Ashes: £150.00
Introductory All-Inclusive Offer
Ashes Burial Package including plot & interment
Urn, Plaque, Tree & Certificate: £450.00